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Planet Aligned Profit


I believe everything is connected. The world is a giant mechanism made up of smaller mechanisms that rely on the other to keep balance and to work properly. The water cycle, the food chain, ocean and air currents are all great examples of this. And with this understanding I believe that an impact made anywhere has at least a micro-impact everywhere else. Carbon emissions are a perfect example of this. If someone pollutes on the planet, the whole planet suffers and we all pay the price. Same with plastic being carried down streams, and forming in the 1M square mile Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

I think previously in mankind's history, people have been under the illusion that if something is out of sight it's out of mind, that companies thought they could dump whatever they want into the ocean or release pollution into the air and that it'd all just go away. That if there were plenty of trees in the area they are familiar with that it means the rest of the world doesn't need more. I believe the mindset has historically been more of a closed one. I've always had this sense of connectedness, but I think what really pushed me over the edge to take action was my time traveling through a program called Semester at Sea, where I traveled by ship throughout Europe, Africa, and then across the Atlantic to the Americas. I saw first hand how everything and everyone is truly connected, that we are all sharing this big rock we call Earth, and truly took on a global mindset. I also saw first hand pollution in our oceans, garbage on our lands, and deforestation on a large magnitude. I believe this propelled me to want to create a business that would help the world.

My goal was and is, to make the biggest impact I possibly can. I choose the environment as my passion because it's something that affects everyone regardless of how much someone has in their bank account, the color of their skin, their beliefs, or their backgrounds. We ALL should want the Earth to be in the best condition possible, and we should ALL adopt the mindset of connectedness as it will only help everyone and everything.

Through making Unus munduS, which failed, and then transitioning that to The Carbon Offset Company, I knew I could be proud if one day I have success (which I and my other co-founder hasn't taken a penny of a paycheck yet to this day) because the more successful the company I created is, the better off the world is. This is when I coined the phrase "Planet Aligned Profit" and is essentially what we are trying to shift all of our partners and potential partners to consider and include within their business model. To re-think the way they do business and extend efforts and focus to make it so the more successful they are the better off the world is too.

We are trying to make this as easy as possible for them and trying to open their eyes that this isn't hard to achieve with experts such as ourselves. Ultimately we want to even make their company to make a big difference and be stronger and better off for it. I believe there's no shame in this. Businesses should be stronger and better off for trying to do the right thing and aligning with the planet. Consumers should support them and encourage this way of business, as again, we are all connected and it truly benefits us all.

That's the whole idea behind The Carbon Offset Company. If you'd like to learn more and align your business with the planet, please sign up for a consultation and we'd love to see how we can help you accomplish this.

Warmest Regards,

Matt Kallstrom

CEO | Founder



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