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How Carbon Emissions Affect The Environment

Writer: Caitlin McCallCaitlin McCall

Carbon emissions can seem like a problem so big that individuals can’t even begin to make a difference or put a dent in - But this definitely isn’t the case! It’s important to first understand exactly what carbon emissions are, how they are affecting our environment, and what we can do as individuals to collectively make a difference for our futures and those after us. Let’s have a look at the basics of carbon emissions.

The Science

To put it simply, when fossil fuels are burned to produce electricity, or for central air in buildings, or to power, well, anything that requires power, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Humans are responsible for an astounding 2.4 million pounds of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere per second.

Carbon emissions cause climate change by trapping heat. They also contribute to respiratory disease from smog and air pollution. A few dangerous side effects include extreme weather, food supply disruptions, and increased wildfires. The ocean is extremely vulnerable to temperature rise, as sea-level rise from thermal expansion and ocean acidification from increased absorption of CO2 are already taking place.

Temperatures around the globe provide proof of a rapid increase in surface temperature throughout the past century. This increase in temperature has sped up during the past 35 years.

The Impact

Carbon emissions and, in turn, climate change, will cause a large range of impacts across the globe. Unfortunately, it is likely to bring very harmful effects to a high percentage of the world’s population and ecosystem. It is important to also note that the world’s poorest people, who lack resources to respond to these impacts, are likely to suffer the most.

Currently, the United States emits about 16% of the world’s carbon emissions, behind only China, which emits approximately ¼ of total global emissions.

The average American’s carbon emissions annually total approximately 35,714.9 pounds or 2,976.2 pounds per month (according to

Planting Trees to Offset The Impact

Tree planting reaches far beyond carbon reduction. They provide homes for wildlife, and in areas like Madagascar, the crab and fish populations provide additional food sources and income for the locals. There are plenty of ways to offset carbon, but tree planting initiatives provide the most meaningful, holistic, and verified impact on Earth (in our opinion!).

Did you know that if you had 5 trees planted on your behalf each month, that you’d actually be carbon negative, meaning that you would completely offset your carbon emissions for that month? That is because each tree offsets 679.7 pounds of carbon (as found by

The Carbon Offset Company offers individuals easy options to autopilot your carbon offset and live your life carbon-neutral!

We partner with individuals and businesses to plant trees across the globe!

In addition to the environmental benefits, we employ people from local communities. This extends our impact far beyond environmentalism. These are the building blocks of a long-lasting and sustainable restoration project.

Click here to learn more about our carbon offsetting options for individuals and get started today!



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