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This is a pilot project selected and funded by the PREVENT Waste Alliance - an initiative of the German Federal Government (BMZ - the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) - to accelerate the circular economy while providing a sustainable source of income to low-income groups.

The primary objective of this Project is to accelerate the circular economy while providing a sustainable source of income to low-income groups. This overall objective is defined by the following benchmarks:

• Establishment of robust principles and criteria for the Circular Action Hub.
• Amounts of plastic waste collected and recovered are correctly measured and audited according to standardized procedures to ensure transparency for both sellers and buyers.
• Circular Action Hub’s platform is maintained and updated to provide optimal usage for buyers and project developers.
• Plastic waste management activities in Brazil and Mexico are improved in terms of volume and work conditions, complying with CAH's principles and criteria.
• Cooperatives are remunerated for the environmental service they provided, based on performance transparently verified against standardized protocols.
• Impact and lessons learned from projects are reported and disseminated to guide improvement of market practices in the circular economy.

In order to achieve this objective, the following measures are being implemented:

• Development of principle and guidelines
• Development of protocols to ensure quality control and transparency
• Maintenance and updating of Circular Action Hub Platform and Mechanism
• Development and Assessment of Projects
• Performance-based payments to project and issuance of circular credits
• Evaluation and dissemination of best practices/ education of the market

The project is already supporting - through performed-based credits purchasing - 8 waste pickers cooperatives and associations in four Brazilian states: Coopama, CoopGaleão, Cooper Ecológica, and Cooperativa Beija-Flor (Rio de Janeiro); Cooperben and Cooperativa Mãos Dadas (São Paulo); Atlimarjom (Minas Gerais) - which actually is acting as a facilitator for 5 small associations from their local network; and Asscavag (Mato Grosso). Two other cooperatives may still be included.


See project description


BVRio ( is a non-profit association created in 2011 with the objective to develop market mechanisms to facilitate compliance with Brazilian environmental laws. Since 2012 BVRio works with the promotion of the circular economy models, starting with the development of the Reverse Logistics Credits system (see which involved over 7000 waste pickers since 2013. In 2017, BVRio joined standard-setter Verra ( and corporate partners Danone, Nestle, Tetra Pak, as well as NGOs and academia, to create the 3R Initiative (, which in turn led to the creation of the Circular Action Hub.

BVRio is a Climate Action Leader of the R20 Regions for Climate Action initiative, and received the Katerva Awards 2013 for Economy. BVRio was created in partnership with the Secretariats of Environment and Finance of Rio de Janeiro’s state and municipal government, and its governance structure includes representatives of the Brazilian World Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS), Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development (FBDS), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE - UFRJ), and E2 Socio Ambiental.

The PREVENT Waste Alliance - an initiative of the German Federal Government (BMZ - the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) - was launched in May 2019 in Germany, bringing together organisations from the private sector, academia, civil society and public institutions worldwide, serving as a platform for exchange and international cooperation. PREVENT was searching for innovative and sustainable solutions that contribute to a circular economy in low- and middle-income countries, with a special focus on projects that mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic or strengthen systems against future crises. The Circular Action Hub's project was selected as one of 8 pilots.



Various states / Brazil

Collection / Sorting


Tons Per Year: 1000

USD 115/t


Development Goals
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